Home One-Day City Walk in Denver

One-Day City Walk in Denver

This weekend I visited downtown Denver. For me, Denver is really a nice city to walk around and take photos. There are many Instagrammable spots to stop by and take a shot.

Union Station

It is quite convenient to get from Boulder to Denver. Just take the FF1 shuttle bus at Downtown Boulder Station and you will arrive at Denver Union Station located in the heart of downtown Denver. Standing at the north side of the station, you will see the unique white roof design will perfectly frame the historic lobby.

station Union Station in Downtown Denver

Colorado State Capitol

With its gold dome and grand architecture you will definitely want to stop by the Capitol. The gold dome will be very dazzling beneath the sun, flashing your eyes from blocks away.

capitol Colorado State Capitol

Big Blue Bear

Downtown at the convention center you’ll spot a massive big blue bear peeking into the windows, which is also a famous landmark in Denver.

bear Big Blue Bear

The International Church of Cannabis

The International Church of Cannabis contains a trippy interior that is sure to brighten up your Instagram feed. Ticket price is $20 for students, including a splendid light show and free visit of the chapel.

church The International Church of Cannabis

Downtown Denver Lookout

This is a very classic photographic spot on Zuni Street from where you can see the entire city’s skyline, the bridge, and the surrounding highway. It is one of my favorites spots that I will revisit in the near future.

lookout Denver Skyline

City Park Pavilion


The City Park Pavilion graces the vicinity of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, nestled beside the expansive City Park, which boasts a serene lake that bridges the gap between these two landmarks. Stand at the museum’s vantage point, and you are treated to a picturesque panorama that encompasses not only the elegant pavilion but also the majestic downtown skyline, with the distant mountain peaks painting a breathtaking backdrop.


Other Street Views

bridge Millennium Bridge

buildings Skyscrapers

stairs Rainbow Stairs

plaza Civic Plaza

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Aerial Chaoshan

Second Visit to Downtown Denver Lookout

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